English Verbs

by Appicenter LLC



Browse and search the conjugations of the most common English verbs.Ideal for everybody who wants to learn English and as a companion for trips to the United Kingdom (UK), the United States (USA), Canada and other English speaking countries.Features:•Small size•Works off-line•All tenses (including composite tenses, passive voice and question form)•Verb forms & translations searchable•Wildcard search•Grammar section (in preparation)•Voice output (via Androids TTS, see below)•Multiple color themes•Mark favorites•Optimized for TabletsAlso available:•Pro version with more verbs •Companion language learning app: Verb Conjugation Trainer•English Vocabulary Trainer •English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish language appsLearn English with this handy study aid.If you have any problems (e.g. sound) with the app please check our FAQ first:http://www.appicenter.net/verb-trainerIf problems persist please email us at [email protected]